
FAIRmat Tutorial 2: Electronic lab notebooks and FAIR data management


This tutorial is dedicated to the NOMAD artificial-intelligence (AI) toolkit, the platform for running (jupyter) notebooks to analyse with AI tools the data contained in the NOMAD Archive. 

We will cover, in an interactive, hands-on fashion, the several aspects of the AI-toolkit: the query over the NOMAD Archive via the NOMAD API, the basic notebooks for learning AI methods, and the advanced notebooks, where the workflow of relevant publications, in which AI is applied to materials science, can be interactively reproduced and further explored. Furthermore, we will introduce the local AI-toolkit app that allows to run a local version of the notebooks, e.g., to combine own data with the NOMAD Archive data. 

At the end of the first day, few tutorial notebooks will be suggested to be perused by the participants before the second day starts. In the second day, break-out rooms will be organized, and in each room one of the selected tutorial notebooks will be discussed.


March 9 2022 March 10 2022


 John Henry Scott: Data-Centric Materials Science - The Critical Role of ELNs

15:00-16:00 CET

Hands-on tutorial

José Márquez: Setting up eLabFTW for a simple lab

10:00 & 16:00 CET


Mark Greiner: ELNs in FAIR data management

16:00-17:00 CET

Hands-on tutorial

 Sherjeel Shabih: Integrating eLabFTW and NOMAD

10:30 & 16:30 CET

Hands-on tutorial

Christoph T. Koch: Demonstration of the eLabFTW and NOMAD in daily use

17:00-18:00 CET

Hands-on tutorial

Markus Scheidgen: NOMAD ELN - ELN features integrated into NOMAD

11:15 & 17:15 CET